Cue queue outrage

On Saturday, having already had gone through security, as we trooped into Malaga airport’s passport check section, we saw a queue from hell. 

A massive, weary throng of people, but thankfully seemingly nothing to do with us.

I felt that mix of smugness and unconvincing performative compassion that people in short / no queues have for people in long queues.

As I strolled by, my faux sympathy was replaced by increasing comprehension, and associated alarm. 

Hang on, this monstrous queue was in fact our queue!

On and on it stretched, out past all normal queuing areas.

I’ve travelled a lot, and I’ve rarely seen anything like it.

I was resigning myself to booking another hotel and to a fruitless argument with the airline about flight refunds.

The mainly English folk in the queue were as fed up as we were.

And then, a wee smiling Spanish woman came down the queue, asking for “anyone with EU passports” to follow her.

There was only about a dozen of us.

Hallelujah … we walked past the shuffling thousands and were airside in about a minute, making predictable quips about “Brexit benefits” and “taking back control”.

In that context, Phil Moorhouse’s latest vlog is worth checking out, as, in his cheery Yorkshire accent, he pokes fun at the latest outburst of Brexit fury. 

The EU is implementing new border security controls, but have failed to ask Brexiter permission before they do so. Fancy that, lol.

This will mean increased botheration for Brits, of the kind I witnessed at the weekend.  The Brexiters are, as ever, furious. 

They do not seem to have realised that, once you leave the EU, you have left the EU … and, as Mr. Moorhouse points out, the scheme itself had been first mooted back in early 2016. That is, it had been agreed to by Britain itself before Brexit had even taken place.

You could hardly make this stuff up, but there literally are no depths of stupidity and hypocrisy that the populist / salt of the earth / anti-experts Brexit / MAGA mindset cannot plumb.